Happy Birthday to my precious first born!!!!

Laci is independent! Laci likes to put on a show! She is a natural leader! She is compassionate towards others!

Laci loves to read! Laci loves softball and golf! She likes to ride her bike and play outside! She loves to swim!

Around the house she is a great helper. She likes to be in charge. She loves her little sisters (especially when they do what she says).

She likes school and works very hard. She will talk to almost anyone. She loves to laugh and sing.

Laci is a wonderful kid and we have come to expect a lot from her. Many times we have to stop and remind ourselves she is only 6 (now 7) and she's still a kid!

She has brought continuous joy into our lives and we look forward to how God is going to use Laci.
She is such a beautiful girl!! I have no idea how I found your blog, but you have a gorgeous family!
Your birthday girl is absolutely beautiful!! Hope Laci has GREAT birthday!
Happy Birthday Laci!!! Hope you had a special day! Wish we could see you more!
Happy Birthday Laci! You are getting way too old!!
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