I am having such a good time preparing for this sweet little girl!! For many reasons, but here are the 2 main reasons.
First, when I had Laci I was trying to be so "smart" and buy as much stuff as I could gender neutral just in case we had a boy the next time. (we all see how that turned out). With Megan, we were living with mom and dad while we were building our house so I made what we had work. Now, with our 3rd and final girl, I am going all GIRL! And, it is so fun!! I have never done that with a nursery before!
Second, since this is our last baby I am trying to be frugal! There is no need to buy another $500-$1000 bed, plus changing table, etc. So, I jumped on Craig's List and away I went. I found a crib that I LOVE!! It's the older style but has the ends that I like. Best part: $65.00 It also has a matching chest of drawers which was only $75.00!
I have already painted the crib black and having someone paint the chest.

We have also done a room switch. Laci got to move to the guest room. Megan has moved to Laci's room and the baby will get Megan's old room. Here are some pics of the process of changing rooms!
Laci's room before we painted it!!!
This is the landing/hallway upstairs as we were moving the rooms around. Laci got the furniture that was in Megan's room and Megan got Laci's furniture!

Here is Laci helping us paint her room!
And, the finished product! I will post pics after it's decorated when we get it done! Such a work in progress!
Stroller/car seat: We have the stroller! I am picking up the car seat today! There is a stroller/car seat combo that I love! Sarah found it when she was pregnant and I have loved it ever since. But, it's so expensive! So, when mom and I were shopping the other day we found it...on sale!!!!!!! Mom got it for us and I could not be more thankful and excited!
Her name: We have a first name! We are trying it out with different middle names until we find one we like! When we figure it out...I'll post it! Until then, it's just sweet baby girl!!
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