Sunday, September 21, 2008

Game Weekend!

I just love football season! The weather is cooler and there is so much to do on the weekends (if you want to). Friday night Laci went to the Panther football game with Sarah (even though Megan was the one wearing the Panther shirt)! Then, on Saturday, we went to a Sunday School game watching party! It was fun and we were all in red and white for that! Although, after the first few minutes we all had rather talk than watch the ballgame! Here are a few pictures of Megan from this weekend. Believe it or not, Laci didn't want me to take her picture...DIVA!

The reason Megan is not looking at me in the above picture is because she is standing on my vanity stool, looking at herself in the mirror!
Almost caught her looking!
Hog Game Day!!!
She was fading fast for naptime! So, I took her picture before I fixed her hair. Sure enough, after I fixed her hair, she would not cooperate and went to sleep shortly thereafter!

She's got her binky. You can tell she's sleepy!

Although I am partial to my kids and think are precious, I am not a mom that is quick to call them the smartest, cutest, sweetest, best, etc. But, I have to say Megan is about the funniest kid I know! I wish I could recall all of the stories that have us rolling! But, when it comes time to recall them I draw a blank! So, as I remember stories I want to record them on here. Not just for the fam, but for me as well! One of her most recent antics is a single word and head bob! She will look at you, shake her head back and forth and say, "DUH". It's like a 12 year old smart alick kid! We just roll in the floor laughing!!!

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