Thursday, January 29, 2009
Game Table for Sale
It is $400.00 for the set. Brad said he would even deliver it in the Benton/Bryant area.
Pictures and/or dimensions available upon request. If you are interested, please email me at
Monday, January 19, 2009
Random Collection of Pictures
Someone from church took some great pictures of Laci at the Pumpkin Patch and sent them to me! I just now saved them and thought I would share a couple of them!

Kathy (Brad's mom) found this pictures of Laci and me from the beach and I just love it! I love the beach so much and vacation pictures remind me of that feeling when we are there! People tell me all of the time Laci looks like me. I think I can almost see that in this picture. Most the time, I can't see it at all!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Little Meg!!!
Megan has been a little under the weather! We did not got to church Sunday or Wednesday. And, we did not go to gymnastics! Which is a huge deal. Megan loves her class and keeps asking when it's her turn for "nastics." Anyway, we have been home trying to entertain ourselves. So, the other day when Megan got up from her nap we did a little video time!!!! She is rarely in the mood for the camera so I took advantage. You can tell in the videos that she does not feel well! Her eyes are glazed and her voice is raspy, not to mention the snot pouring out of her nose! Gotta love winter!!!!!!!!!!!
Please notice her hair when she turns to this side!!!! Party in the back!!!!
This video is one of my favorites. She is singing a couple of the songs she knows. The first you can tell is Jesus Loves Me. The second is one of my old favorites, He's Still Working On Me. She gets the first and last lines and gets the middle ones confused! Like a true performer, she fakes it and keeps going!!!! Finally, the last song is one Laci learned in preschool and sang all of the time. The words are Spooks and Goblins, Halloween is coming, I scare you...BOO! When Meg says it, it comes out poots and goblins!
In this last video, she told me she didn't want t smile...she wanted to read a magazine! At one point, she says, "oh, man!"
Megan has a mind of her own, a personality of her own and I love that about her!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
A New Home for Harley
Harley has a new home!! A sweet lady and her daughter in our church have been wanting a Yorkie for awhile and now they have one! I am so excited and relieved to know where Harley is going!!!! She is going to a great home!!!!!
Thanks for all the concerned emails!
And, Laci is okay with this. She says she had rather have another brother or sister someday....we'll see if that happens!!!! :)
Monday, January 12, 2009
Yorkie For Sale
With all of this said, we have a precious puppy for sale.
Her name is Harley. She is full blood Yorkshire Terrier. We have all of the papers from the breeder. She is around 15 weeks old. She has all of her shots. (she only has one more round to do this year) I am taking her to the groomer for the first time Tuesday. Her parents are AKC registered and I have the papers to register her. I have food, treats, a pink/black crate, leash, collar, nail clippers, brush, comb, shampoo, hair conditioner spray, puppy bed, a ton of toys, shirts and hair bows. She pees on puppy pads and I have a bag of those. She has learned to sit with treats. She is a great puppy. She stays in our bathroom with a babygate at the door 95% of the time. She is content in there all day long. (don't worry we play with her. But, she is not a bother. at night, she sleeps with us. That is where we were having trouble. Megan has been sick and when she wakes up, it wakes the puppy up!
If anyone is interested or knows someone who is please let me know or call Brad, 501-358-8523.
Anyway, we paid $500 for her and we are going to sell her for $500. All of the other stuff is just a bonus.
P.S. She would make a great Valentine's gift :)

Sunday, January 11, 2009
A Huge Step!
Laci loves gymnastics!! She is flipping all over the house all of the time! Since I taught gym/cheer quite a bit I now how difficult some of the stuff can be especially for a 4 year old. But, I also know what a big deal it is when certain skills are mastered! Also, the older they get the fear factor grows! It's so much easier for a little one to learn these skills in my opinion because they are usually fearless! With all of this said, Laci has taken what I feel is a huge step in gymnastics! She did her backbend on the cheese and she did her kickover on the ground!!!!!! I am so proud of her!!!! She worked so hard and did it probably 20 times last night!!!!! She says she is now ready to do a backhandspring. We work on it a lot and I told her that would be a good 2009 goal!
Here is the video of her latest accomplishment!!!...
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Anyway, here are some updates on the girls!
First of all...Megan. Yesterday, I took her to the doctor for her 2 year check-up (a month late). She was excellent! She was in the 46th percentile in height and 20th percentile in weight. The nurse said she had lost a few ounces since her last appointment, but wasn't concerned because this is the age they expect a plateau due to an increase in activity. I told her Meg ate like an animal and the nurse said she may just be little! Megan can talk like crazy. She is saying full on sentences and can remember names better than I can. We have had no more major climbing accidents, not because she stopped climbing, but she has learned the best way to get down. She wants to do everything that Laci does and loves to follow her around and play. Megan has mastered being the baby while Laci is the mom when they play house. I hear Meg calling Laci mom when they are playing!
Megan repeats everything and some of her latest sayings are, "whatever," if she wants to talk and someone else is talking she will say, "hush, Lace" or "hush mom." And, lately if she is hollaring for me she will say mom 2 or 3 times and then she will yell, "Amber."
Finally, potty training! Still, no progress. She could care less. She will tell me she needs to go, but hasn't figured out how to let it go on the potty!! Or she just knows that it's easier to do in the diaper. The doctor said it will click! But, I wanted to be diaper free by now!!!!!!!!!! Patience.......... Here are some pics of Megan
Here are a couple pics of the girls!
Laci update...Laci has started back to preschool and she loves it! She is doing great! She is writing like crazy and loves to find letters and numbers around town! We took her to show her where she is going to go to kindergarten and she loved the huge playground! All I noticed was that the fence around the playground needed some work :)! She has become such a good helper and big sister. Laci did not want to play soccer so we did not make her. Now, softball season is coming up and she is not wanting to play that either. She says she just wants to do gymnastics and be a cheerleader! She loves going to watch the high school games and see the dancers and cheerleaders! She knows many of them by name and is quick to yell at them on the court! She wants to do a backhandspring like crazy! That is a goal for this year! we'll see! She missed her last Dillards photo shoot due to the stomach virus, so who knows if they will call again.
Monday, January 5, 2009
New Camera
Here is my brother and my mom during his short Christmas break!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Closing out 2008
We had a wonderful, busy, Christmas!!! We got to see family, eat, play, and have a lot of fun!

This is one of my favorite pictures. My mom goes overboard at Christmas. The entire living room at her house was covered with presents! I guess Megan was feeling a little overwhelmed. So, she would take each present to the corner and open it with her back facing us. Then, she would walk it into the hallway and stack it with all of her other opened presents!

Finally, we got a Wii for Christmas! Brad is a guitar hero nut!!!! Laci and I, well, we like High School Musical Sing It!!! She knows several of the songs pretty good, but they are the songs you have to unlock by singing really well! Needless to say, we do not unlock many songs. But, we are working on it. Here is a little video of her trying to sing Get cha Head in the Game. She knows the words but the song is a little too fast for her to sing with the game. At least she can dance!!!!