Today was a little different day than usual. This morning instead of heading to the beach, Brad and I played 30 minutes of Racketball and 30 minutes of tennis. It was fun and we got a good sweat going on. Then, we got the girls (they were with mimi and granddad) and headed for the beach (after a quick stop by the pool). About 30 minutes after arriving, the darkest cloud rolled in and it grew almost chilly. We packed up and headed inside, just in the nick of time. The rain came pouring! We got to our room, washed the sand off and put Megan to bed. By that time the sun was shining brighter than it has all week. It was hot and the beach was full! I decided I'd let this "prime sun time" pass and enjoy relaxing in my room. Brad and Laci went to the grocery store and I put Meg to bed and curled up on the deck and read. It was awesome! A little later in the afternoon, we headed to the beach and pool and we got plenty of sun. Here are a few pics.

Laci getting braver!!! The waves got pretty rough this afternoon and she did great!!! My beautiful Laci, growing up way too fast! She's learning some lessons this week! You'll read more about that later!!!!

At night, some of Mr. Bruce's family came in and we ate in the pavillion by the pool. There was a grassy area and the girl's had a blast running and playing. Laci is having a hard time as all of the girls want to play with Meg because she is the smallest. Laci gets on the nerves of the 10 and 6 year olds because she is younger. But, she is too old (she thinks) to play with the 2 and 3 year olds. She is doing okay! It's harder for mom and dad, than her, I think. Here are the girls lined up on the grass! After this picture I spent the next 30 minutes spotting backhandsprings with the girls. I became an instant hit! Laci had a hard time sharing her moma, however!!!!

We also had watermelon! Megan has eaten more in the last two night than I have eaten in the last 2 weeks. She had two ears of corn on the cob tonight. Followed by about 4 slices of watermelon!!!! Needless to say her poop tonight was...large, to say the least!!!!!

Sweet lil Meg!!! She has a personality like no other!!!! Lately, she has added "love you" to list of many sentences!! Funny story...One of Brad's stepbrother-in-laws' name is Todd. In the pool today Megan looked at a random man, pointed and said, "Todd." Kathy said no Meggie, that's not Todd. He said actually I am Todd. He thought she was pretty smart!