Been a busy couple of weeks around here, and a stormy couple of days!! But, we have made it through the storms and certainly ready for some sunshine!
Last Saturday night Megan went with some of her friends (and us moms, as well) to Disney Princess on Ice. We went to eat first and we were quite the spectacle. I think the waiters were in the back drawing straws to see who got the task of waiting on our table. We had 4 little Princesses and one sweet little Prince!!! He was so cute! The girls were all talking about the Princesses and all he wanted to see was the dragon!!!! Thankfully, there was a dragon and it even blew fire!
Megan was supposed to be Tinkerbell, but the her Tink outfit was too tight!! So, she went with Cinderella and matched Evie!!

Megan and Mom

Also, Laci had her first grade musical, "Bugz." She played the part of the Flipping Beetle. She got to do a cartwheel after she said her lines and that was her favorite part.

Beetles are mostly black, so I had to add some sparkle!