I haven't put much on here about Laci and Megan and didn't want to leave them out!! It's funny because there was a day last week I had all 3 girls dressed alike!!! I think that is the 2nd time I have done that and I didn't even get a picture of all 3. Oh well...I'm sure they'll wear it again!
These two girls have very distinct and different personalities. They are built differently and behave differently. I love watching them play and interact with each other. It's also fun to watch them argue and fight with each other. I hope it's no indication of how they will handle conflict in the future, because Laci usually tattles or starts crying and Meg ends up throwing a punch!!!

Megan just finished up 3 year old preschool and loved it. She will be in preschool one more year, then kindergarten! She is very caring and compassionate towards others. She always reaches out to those in her class that are upset. She loves to help me with Brynn, sometimes a little too much. Brynn loves her and laughs at her all the time. Meg loves softball (I should have let her play this year) and gymnastics. She does not let Laci boss her around. Megan asks a ton of questions!!!! Sometimes she is inquisitive and other times....just plain nosey!

Laci is finishing up her 1st grade year in the next couple of weeks. She also loves school and does very well. I have come to expect a lot out of Laci in school, at home and in public. And, sometimes I have to remind myself she is only 6 and I must let her be a kid! Laci is so tall!!! She is built just like Brad. I bet she will be taller than me before she is in middle school. Laci is a natural leader and can be borderline bossy! Laci loves to learn and loves to teach. She is loving softball this year and ready to get back in gymnastics, well, cheerleading is what she really wants to do....we will see about that!

We love our girls, all 3 of them and are looking forward to a fun-filled, yet relaxing, summer!!!!!
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