I keep telling people I can't believe how fast Brynn is growing. I shouldn't be so surprised! It's gone that fast with all three. But, here we are at 2 months! Brynn had her appoinment today and she looked great! She got her shots and it nearly broke my heart!!! She never cries and to her scream like that was almost more than I could handle!
Her stats:
Weight: 10 lbs 6 oz. 35%
Length: 23 inches 72%
Head: 15 inches 30%

Brynn is a dream baby. She is so happy and smiles all the time. She has started cooing a lot and is awake more during the day.
Brynn is an excellent shopper and doesn't mind riding around in her stroller! She smiles when her big sisters come around. And, usually braces herself when she hears Megan coming!!! I do believe her eyes are going to be blue like her big sisters (and her mommy).
We hear that she looks like everyone in the family. The majority of people have said she looks like Uncle Wes with Auntie Sarah running a close second!
Brynn, you are an absolute joy and you have truly made our family complete! We love you dearly and look forward to see what God has in store for you!