We had a wonderful Christmas! Nothing like the Holidays to make you realize how blessed you really are!!!
We went to Northwest Arkansas to spend Christmas with Brad's family. First, it was at his Mom and Step-dad's! We had a wonderful meal, opened gifts and then played a great game of Dirty Santa.
Can you tell how excited the girls are to open presents! All 9 of the grandDAUGHTERS were there so they had a full house!

Sorry, this picture is small, but we also made a stop by Brad's Aunt and Uncle's (whom we call Sis and Pop, Brad calls her Memaw, but the girls said they call her Sis) RV store in Springdale. Laci and Megan LOVE going here. The whole upstairs is like one giant floor that looks over onto the bottom floor. There are stairs on each end and they just run like crazy!! They also want a big Coach/Motorhome to ride to the beach in!!! Maybe some day!

Then, Saturday morning we had Christmas with Brad's Dad, Step-Mom and Step-sister Angie.

The girls were once again excited and spoiled rotten! Brynn was more interested in the soccer ball and standing on the gifts!!!

Laci, always putting on a show!

We were back home on Saturday night. Megan put out her reindeer food! And, Laci sat out the Muffins and Milk for Santa (they said he would be tired of cookies).
Off to bed they went!

First one up and overly excited.....LACI

Second one up and took a little longer to get pumped up.....MEGAN

Last one up and thought the party was all about her....BRYNNIE

We went to church and then headed to my Mom and Dad's for some brunch food and presents!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight...
Thanks to all of our wonderful family!!!!!!! Never want to take you for granted!