Twas the night before Christmas...
The girls in their Christmas jammies ready to go to bed! Megan wore the same gown as Brynn has on when she was a baby.
We always wake up Christmas at our house as a family of 4....I mean family of 5 this year! Here are the girl's piles from Santa.
Santa even left a basketball goal.
We enjoy watching the girl's excitement as they come down the stairs and see what was left by Santa!
Brynn didn't much care for the excitement!
This year we did something new that I would like to continue. Now that Laci can read, we had her read the real Christmas story on Christmas morning. It was pretty neat and I think the girls enjoyed it. Megan even sat still and listened!
After we finish up at our house we head to my mom and dad's for Breakfast and Christmas over there. When we arrived, Sarah had already done her job of sorting the piles! Mom tends to go a little crazy at Christmas!
Brynn was ready to go at Nonny and Poppy's house!

Megan's big gift was her very own pink recliner!

Laci's big gift was a scooter! She was pretty surprised!
Wes had to try it out first! We are going to have to practice with Laci. She rode it and did a great job. But, it goes pretty fast and it made me nervous!
Brynnie and her new giraffe from Uncle Benny and Auntie!

Christmas night we were invited over to the Quinn's for Christmas dinner. It was so fun and relaxing. And, the food was delicious! Here are a couple pics before we left.
During the parent switch Megan's head got bumped by the camera so that is why she is crying in this picture.

The day after Christmas we went to church and out to eat for the first time as a family of 5, just us. It was fun.
Then we came home to have Christmas with Brad's dad, Step-mom and Step-sister.
Here is one of the things we had every day this week!! A fire! It was awesome!
The girls got matching pink BB guns!

Laci and her sewing machine.

Megan and her gas station which she has been wanting for some time!
We had Christmas earlier in the week with Brad's mom and step-dad. They got the girls and XBox Kinnect and we have had a blast playing with that. I have some pictures and videos that I hope to get loaded soon!
It was an amazing Christmas and we are truly blessed (spoiled). We are thankful for our family, immediate and extended and we hope to never take that for granted! This year was a the first Christmas in a long time that we were missing loved ones. Christmas at the farm was awesome, but was different without Papaw Grant. He would have loved our Dirty Santa gifts this year and I'm sure he would have played dirty to get the good gifts!! This also would have been Weslee Faith's first Christmas. And, although it has been awhile since we have lost her, she was definitely missed and on my mind throughout the holidays.
With sadness comes much joy. This year we also had blessings. Brynn was a blessing to all and such a joy to have with us this Christmas. Also, the week before Christmas our cousin Katie got married to Jace. And, although he has endured our Christmas's at the farm in the past, this year he was an official member of the family and it was great to celebrate their marriage.
2011 will bring ups and downs I am sure. But, no matter what God is good and I am looking forward to see what he has in store.