Sprinkler time!!!!!!

Poppy and Megan taking Nonny and Laci on a ride!
Funny story...animals don't really like me. I do not have good luck with pets and animals, in general, never pick me to curl up with. But, this cat decided he liked me. So, he jumped up in my lap and played for a while. When he got down, my black shirt looked like it had become a gray sweater. Oh well....Sarah thought she needed to take a pic b/c it is not very often a pet takes to me!
Are you trying to strangle the cat? No wonder they don't like you! HA
Poor cat!
Beginning August 5, I will be hosting Crock Pot Wednesdays on diningwithdebbie.blogspot.com. I hope you will join me. THERE WILL BE PRIZES:)
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