One of our favorite things to do lately is go to the Panther Basketball games!!! We love to go with Liva and watch Luke!!!!! The girls LOVE going!!!! They play so hard (and then sleep so well). The seats (thank you Patti and Bubba) are right next to the Dance Team and have a great view of the cheerleaders! Keeps the girls entertained when Luke is not on the court, of course! We have to keep a close eye on Megan as she tends to make her way into the middle of the dance team and either takes their poms or cleans out their bags!!! Laci likes to sit on the front row! That way she has direct access to the court in case she needs to stand up and do a toetouch or short, but affective cheer! It is so much fun and we are sad that it is over (for this year)! Here are few pictures!
Laci and Lauren Lauren will be tumbling across the court, holding up a very impressive stunt or be in the middle of a cheer, and Laci will yell hey Lauren expecting a wave in return!
Laci in her front row spot! Did I mention the concession stand!?!?! Oh yeah, that is very important to the success of going to these games! We do not eat supper on game nights! Frito Chili Pie, popcorn and candy! 

Go Luke!!!!!
Patti took some amazing pictures of Megan doing her cheers after the game! The girls' favorite part of the game is when it is over and they can run crazy all over the basketball court!!! The tumble on the cheer mats, play chase with anyone that will play, and go right onto the middle of the court to show out, of course!The cheer squad's competition routine has a part in it that says, "Gooooo Panthers, BHS!" Laci and Megan do that all the time and this is Megan doing it on the court!