Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Pre-Halloween Party

These are not the official Halloween Costumes, but both girls had opportunities to wear a costume before October 31st. 

Laci was invited to a Rock Star party and she always loves playing that part!

Yes, she is wearing make-up and yes she looks too old!!  Make-up was for party....ONLY!!

Megan got to dress up as a 50's girls as Kindergarten celebrated their 50th day of school.

BBB always gets in on the action!

pics of my little super heros coming soon!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Quick Catch Up

Lots going on in the Bohannan house!! 
Here is a quick update!

Nonny and Poppy went and had muffins with Megan and Meg was pretty happy if you can't tell!

Brynn got her mullet cut off!!  First hair cut!

Sleeping in Mommy's bed while Brad was out of town!

Lots of Charlee time!!

Went to a Pep Rally!

Salt Bowl...Charlee joined us!
 Wesley's birthday at the Salt Bowl!

 Laci got to be Pep Stepper of the Day and she loved it!!!

Laci started volleyball!!

Babysitting Charlee!!

 The rest of the pictures are super out of order, but are a mixture of some of the things we have been up to!
Hanging with Alex at the ballgame!
 Being a Pep Stepper with her "Big Sis's"

 Wes got to shoot shirts of a cannon at halftime and MEgan got to join in!

OH, and finally....what we have really been up to......


We bought a house and are finally moved in!!  I love it and will do an update on that later!