Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Tacky Penguin, Take One

Laci is not having a 2nd grade play at school this year, so her teacher let them do a small classroom play. They broke into 2 groups and each group acted out the book, The Tacky Penguin.

Laci is always up for putting on a show.
She must have had fun on the playground, because her hair was a mess when I got to school!
Even though her "drama" gets on my nerves around the house, I must say, she is a lot like me!!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Basketball Season

Laci is in the middle of basketball season again and still loving it. It hasn't quite clicked yet, but each game she is getting a little more aggressive.

Sorry these are so blurry! I haven't used my camera in a while and it's taking me a bit to get used to it!

Here are a couple of other little cuties that love going to watch big sister play!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Couple of Cute Videos

Brynn on the trampline! She didn't want to get off!!! Love her crazy hair!!!

This was right before Christmas!! I love hearing her say new words. And, of course, as soon as I started with the video she didn't want to say any of her words and wanted to play peek a boo!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Life....again, through phone pics!

Good thing Brynn got 3 ride along toys for Christmas! We were going to take the one we got her back, and then, they started racing! I bet these three toys have been used as much as any!

Starbucks Carmel Frappuccino Cupcakes
Shopping with Nonny
What Cookie? I didn't eat a cookie?
One of Wesley's best friends from Georgia State came and visited! I didn't get many pictures. But, as you can tell they are still quite competitive! Headstand contest...from their form you can tell Dave won!
Fun, cold day on the trampoline! We were electrifying!

Fun at a new restaurant in Little Rock. Call All Aboard Restaurant and Grill. Train delivers your food!! The girls loved it! And, Brynn was so intrigued with the trains...she stayed in her seat the whole time!

My blue-eyed girls enjoying the nice weather.
And, most recently, shopping! She got to go with my Mom, my Sister and myself with no big sisters and she thought she was big stuff! As soon a we put her down she was off! Thank goodness for strollers...I mean, extra hands!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Brynn - One Year Pictures

These pictures were taken in November, but I didn't post them on Facebook because they were used for Christmas gifts. So, now I just had to share!!! One thing Benton has is awesome photographers!!! One of our friends, Rachel Vanhook, has started taking pictures and she is awesome!!! I was so pleased with these pictures and was so relaxed the whole time! Here is a link to her website: